Faster learning, better sharing, and new hope to live beyond pancreatic cancer

At Canopy Cancer Collective, our mission is to empower pancreatic cancer patients with new hope, treatments, and options. People, not simply their cancer, are at the core of our care.

Canopy Cancer Collective is a learning health network of leading cancer centers. This first network of 14* NCI-designated cancer centers is dedicated to improving care and outcomes in pancreatic cancer. We connect top medical care providers, cancer researchers, and wellness specialists to formulate and foster best practices.

The World’s Best Are Joining Forces


Improve your patient outcomes as well as your cancer clinic experiences


Best practices made standard

Accurate and timely diagnoses save precious time. Comprehensive, coordinated care leads to greater satisfaction. The learning network creates a community focused on continuous improvement. It provides the tools and best practices that enable each cancer center to deliver consistent, compassionate care.


Empower interdisciplinary teams

Ensuring all pertinent information is available to clinical teams enables both patients and providers to make better decisions. And, when the multiple medical and supportive disciplines work as a truly interdisciplinary team, they improve health outcomes, bypass bureaucracy, and lead to greater satisfaction for patients and care teams.


Energize patients as key collaborators

Educating patients with the latest knowledge, providing the best tools, and offering streamlined access to clinical trials all foster active patient participation. Greater understanding and control of the whole-patient journey help reduce medical surprises and related stress. The entire collaborative effort helps ensure patients never get lost in the system.


Drive innovation with learning networks

Building an effective learning network based on data promotes continuous improvement in best practices. Learning networks also provide all participants with access to best-in-class treatment options. Our networks employ clear and concise communication to maximize all participants’ time and resources.

Join us in revolutionizing cancer care

For more information, or to speak with a Canopy Cancer Collective representative, contact us today.

*Cold Spring Harbor Cancer Center is affiliated with Northwell Health Cancer Institute. An application for combined NCI designation is in progress.